Resume Project challenge of providing insight on Consumer Goods Domain
Provide the list of markets in which customer "Atliq Exclusive" operates its business in the APAC region.
select distinct(market) from dim_customer
where customer = 'Atliq Exclusive'
and region = 'APAC
market | |
0 | India |
1 | Indonesia |
2 | Japan |
3 | Philiphines |
4 | South Korea |
5 | Australia |
6 | Newzealand |
7 | Bangladesh |
What is the percentage of unique product increase in 2021 vs. 2020? The final output contains these fields,unique_products_2020 unique_products_2021 percentage_chg
Unique_Product_2020 as(
select count(distinct(product_code)) as unique_product_2020
from fact_sales_monthly
where fiscal_year = 2020),
Unique_Product_2021 as(
select count(distinct(product_code)) as unique_product_2021
from fact_sales_monthly
where fiscal_year = 2021),
Percentage_Change as(
as pct_change
from Unique_Product_2021,
select * from Unique_Product_2020,
unique_product_2020 | unique_product_2021 | pct_change | |
0 | 245 | 334 | 36.0 |
request 3:
Provide a report with all the unique product counts for each segment and sort them in descending order ofproduct counts. The final output contains 2 fields,segment product_count
select segment ,count(distinct(product_code)) as product_count
from dim_product
group by segment
order by product_count desc;select segment ,count(distinct(product_code)) as product_count
from dim_product
group by segment
order by product_count desc;
segment | product_count | |
0 | Notebook | 129 |
1 | Accessories | 116 |
2 | Peripherals | 84 |
3 | Desktop | 32 |
4 | Storage | 27 |
5 | Networking | 9 |
request 4:
Follow-up: Which segment had the most increase in unique products in 2021 vs 2020? The final output contains these fields, segment product_count_2020 product_count_2021 difference
Unique_Segment_Product_2020 as(
select t2.segment,
count(distinct(t1.product_code)) as unique_product_2020
from fact_sales_monthly t1 join dim_product t2
on t1.product_code = t2.product_code
where fiscal_year = 2020
group by t2.segment),
Unique_Segment_Product_2021 as(
select t2.segment,
count(distinct(t1.product_code)) as unique_product_2021
from fact_sales_monthly t1 join dim_product t2
on t1.product_code = t2.product_code
where fiscal_year = 2021
group by t2.segment)
select s1.segment , unique_product_2020 ,unique_product_2021,
unique_product_2021 - unique_product_2020
as difference
from Unique_Segment_Product_2020 s1 join
Unique_Segment_Product_2021 s2 on
s1.segment =s2.segment
order by difference desc;
segment | unique_product_2020 | unique_product_2021 | difference | |
0 | Accessories | 69 | 103 | 34 |
1 | Notebook | 92 | 108 | 16 |
2 | Peripherals | 59 | 75 | 16 |
3 | Desktop | 7 | 22 | 15 |
4 | Storage | 12 | 17 | 5 |
5 | Networking | 6 | 9 | 3 |
request 5:
Get the products that have the highest and lowest manufacturing costs. The final output should contain these fields, product_code product manufacturing_cost
select f.product_code , product ,manufacturing_cost
from fact_manufacturing_cost f join dim_product p
on f.product_code = p.product_code
where f.manufacturing_cost in (
select max(manufacturing_cost) from fact_manufacturing_cost
select min(manufacturing_cost) from fact_manufacturing_cost)
order by manufacturing_cost desc;
product_code | product | manufacturing_cost | |
0 | A6120110206 | AQ HOME Allin1 Gen 2 | 240.5364 |
1 | A2118150101 | AQ Master wired x1 Ms | 0.8920 |
request 6:
Generate a report which contains the top 5 customers who received an average high pre_invoice_discount_pct for the fiscal year 2021 and in the Indian market. The final output contains these fields, customer_code customer average_discount_percentage
select c.customer_code ,c.customer,
round(avg(d.pre_invoice_discount_pct),2) as avg_discount_pct
from dim_customer c join fact_pre_invoice_deductions d
on c.customer_code = d.customer_code
where market = 'India'
group by c.customer_code
order by avg_discount_pct desc limit 5;
customer_code | customer | avg_discount_pct | |
0 | 90002009 | Flipkart | 0.30 |
1 | 90002003 | Ezone | 0.28 |
2 | 90002004 | Vijay Sales | 0.28 |
3 | 90002011 | Atliq Exclusive | 0.27 |
4 | 90002006 | Viveks | 0.27 |
request 7:
Get the complete report of the Gross sales amount forthe customer “Atliq Exclusive” for each month .This analysis helps to get an idea of low and high-performing months and take strategic decisions. The final report contains these columns:Month Year Gross sales Amount
select monthname( as month,
year( year,s.fiscal_year ,
round(sum(s.sold_quantity*g.gross_price)/1000000,2) as gross_amount
from dim_customer c join fact_sales_monthly s
on c.customer_code = s.customer_code join fact_gross_price g
on s.product_code = g.product_code
where c.customer = 'Atliq Exclusive'
group by year(, monthname(
order by year( asc , month( asc;
month | year | fiscal_year | gross_amount | |
0 | September | 2019 | 2020 | 9.09 |
1 | October | 2019 | 2020 | 10.38 |
2 | November | 2019 | 2020 | 15.23 |
3 | December | 2019 | 2020 | 9.76 |
4 | January | 2020 | 2020 | 9.58 |
5 | February | 2020 | 2020 | 8.08 |
6 | March | 2020 | 2020 | 0.77 |
7 | April | 2020 | 2020 | 0.80 |
8 | May | 2020 | 2020 | 1.59 |
9 | June | 2020 | 2020 | 3.43 |
10 | July | 2020 | 2020 | 5.15 |
11 | August | 2020 | 2020 | 5.64 |
12 | September | 2020 | 2021 | 19.53 |
13 | October | 2020 | 2021 | 21.02 |
14 | November | 2020 | 2021 | 32.25 |
15 | December | 2020 | 2021 | 20.41 |
16 | January | 2021 | 2021 | 19.57 |
17 | February | 2021 | 2021 | 15.99 |
18 | March | 2021 | 2021 | 19.15 |
19 | April | 2021 | 2021 | 11.48 |
20 | May | 2021 | 2021 | 19.20 |
21 | June | 2021 | 2021 | 15.46 |
22 | July | 2021 | 2021 | 19.04 |
23 | August | 2021 | 2021 | 11.32 |
request 8:
In which quarter of 2020, got the maximum total_sold_quantity?The final output contains these fields sorted by the total_sold_quantity,Quarter total_sold_quantity
with base_query as (
select *,date_add(date,interval 4 month) as formatted_date from fact_sales_monthly)
select year(formatted_date) as fiscal_year,
quarter(formatted_date) as quarter_ ,
sum(sold_quantity) as total_sold_quantity
from base_query group by year(formatted_date) , quarter(formatted_date);
fiscal_year | quarter_ | total_sold_quantity | |
0 | 2020 | 1 | 7005619.0 |
1 | 2020 | 2 | 6649642.0 |
2 | 2020 | 3 | 2075087.0 |
3 | 2020 | 4 | 5042541.0 |
4 | 2021 | 1 | 14476194.0 |
5 | 2021 | 2 | 13812652.0 |
6 | 2021 | 3 | 10984739.0 |
7 | 2021 | 4 | 10890997.0 |
request 9:
Which channel helped to bring more gross sales in the fiscal year 2021 and the percentage of contribution? The final output contains these fields,channel gross_sales_mln percentage
with base_query as(
select s.fiscal_year, ,s.sold_quantity , g.gross_price ,
(s.sold_quantity*g.gross_price) as gross_amount
from fact_sales_monthly s join fact_gross_price g
on s.product_code = g.product_code join dim_customer c on
s.customer_code = c.customer_code where s.fiscal_year = 2021)
select channel,total_gross_amount,
round((total_gross_amount/sum(total_gross_amount) over())*100,2) as pct from
(select channel ,sum(gross_amount) as total_gross_amount from base_query
group by channel) t order by pct desc limit 1;
channel | total_gross_amount | pct | |
0 | Retailer | 1.924170e+09 | 73.22 |
request 10:
Get the Top 3 products in each division that have a high total_sold_quantity in the fiscal_year 2021? The final output contains these fields,division product_code
with base_query as
(select s.fiscal_year,p.division,s.product_code,p.product,s.sold_quantity,
rank() over(partition by p.division order by sold_quantity desc ) as product_rank_division
from fact_sales_monthly s join dim_product p on s.product_code = p.product_code
where fiscal_year =2021 group by p.division ,p.product_code)
select * from base_query where product_rank_division < 4
fiscal_year | division | product_code | product | sold_quantity | product_rank_division | |
0 | 2021 | N & S | A6818160202 | AQ Pen Drive DRC | 1331 | 1 |
1 | 2021 | N & S | A6319160202 | AQ Neuer SSD | 944 | 2 |
2 | 2021 | N & S | A6819160203 | AQ Pen Drive DRC | 940 | 3 |
3 | 2021 | P & A | A2319150302 | AQ Gamers Ms | 1038 | 1 |
4 | 2021 | P & A | A2721150704 | AQ Trigger Ms | 1034 | 2 |
5 | 2021 | P & A | A2520150501 | AQ Maxima Ms | 1000 | 3 |
6 | 2021 | PC | A4520110504 | AQ Gen X | 39 | 1 |
7 | 2021 | PC | A4218110207 | AQ Digit | 38 | 2 |
8 | 2021 | PC | A4218110205 | AQ Digit | 37 | 3 |