Tarun Mohapatra

Business Insight 360

The Business Insight 360 report is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the organization's financial performance, sales, supply chain, marketing, and executive performance.

The Business Insight 360 report is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the organization's financial performance, sales, supply chain, marketing, and executive performance.  

The Finance view in this report provides a detailed look at the company's financial data, including revenue, expenses, profits, and loss. It allows users to analyze financial data across different time periods, compare performance against targets, and identify trends and areas for improvement.


The Sales view provides a detailed look at the organization's sales performance. This view allows users to analyze sales data by product, customer, region, and other key metrics. The Sales view provides insights into sales trends, customer behaviour, and market share, enabling businesses to optimize their sales strategies and drive growth.


The Supply Chain view in the report provides visibility into the organization's supply chain operations, allowing users to track inventory levels, monitor supplier performance, measure forecast accuracy and optimize the supply chain to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

The Marketing view provides insights into the organization's marketing campaigns, enabling users to track the performance in different regions, spending in discount, actual profit after discount and optimize marketing strategies to drive customer engagement and sales.


Finally, the Executive view provides an overview of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that are critical to the success of the organization. This view provides a high-level overview of the organization's performance, allowing executives to identify areas of concern and take corrective action quickly


Overall, the Business Insight 360 report in Power BI provides a comprehensive view of the organization's performance across different functional areas. It enables the business to identify opportunities for growth, optimize its operations, and make data-driven decisions that drive success.

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